Jennifer Fletcher, BSN, RN

(253) 247-7606

Counties: King, Kitsap, Pierce

Jennifer is an RN on the Community Health Team at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, which works to reduce health disparities across the Puget Sound region. This small but mighty team works with stakeholders inside and outside of the organization to build bridges between our communities and VMFH hospitals and clinics. Jen’s work includes supporting chronic disease prevention and maternal and child health initiatives across the VMFH service area, and serves as the Coordinator for their Congregational Health Ministries Network. Jen holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from the University of Arizona, as well as her Master of Counseling degree with an emphasis on Community Counseling, and is ANCC board certified in Ambulatory Care Nursing. She has specialized in Pulmonary nursing for the majority of her career and has a passion for lung health, and COPD education and care.